Ideal Block Shelf Set up with Guidecraft

Here's a blogpost I wrote for Guidecraft about how to set up an ideal unit block shelf using some of their products. You can check it out for some tips about shelf set up that promotes meaningful block play!
In the post below I'll share direct links to the items I used in that set up. The links in this post are affiliate links so I do make a small commission if you purchase through them at no additional cost to you. You can also use the code EVERYDAY10 to save 10% on your order!
First the shelf!
I chose the EdQ Essentials 8-compartment Storage Shelf because I knew I wanted something that could fit the whole unit block set I was featuring and also had room to grow the collection and feature accessories. I also own a bunch of the EdQ shelves without compartments but from my experience this style of shelf isn't strong enough to hold unit blocks. The compartment shelves are super strong ang are able to comfortably and safely hold an entire unit block set. This shelf worked perfectly for what I wanted to share!

Next, the unit block set.
Guidecraft unit blocks are well made, smooth, and really pleasant to build with, I recommend any of their sets. Here I featured Guidecraft Unit Block Set D. It comes with plenty of units and also a bunch of doubles and even some quads. To be totally honest I recommend adding more quads and doubles to your set if this is what you choose to start out with. In our collection we also have several other blocks from other brands which have more of these larger pieces and together they have made for a wonderful set of play tools.

Finally, accessories.
Featured here are the Rainbow Blocks by Guidecraft. These blocks are unit block size with colorful plastic windows. My kids love these and use them all the time. They're a big yes from me because they are designed with unit block dimensions so they can be used in a structure entirely made of unit blocks without causing any mathematical frustration. I will note that the depth of the rainbow window blocks is very slightly less than the depth of a standard unit block, but this doesn't effect play since they are used standing on their sides and not for stacking flat upon each other.
Another unit block aligned option is Mirror Blocks which we also adore.
Have any questions? Please let me know! You can always reach out to me at or find me over on instagram at @everydaywitheandj